For Worship Sunday Religious School Children ஞாயிறு சமய பாடசாலை குழந்தைகள் வழிபாட்டிற்குரியது
Religion as Sri Ramakrishna taught it was never vague or dismal. It went to the man where he was and lifted him up. It was not like an eagle which soars high in the air and calls to the tortoise, ‘Come up here.’ Can the tortoise ever hope to rise to the eagle? No, it can only say, ‘If you will come and lift me up, then I can go up there.’ So Sri Ramakrishna in his teaching came down and carried the man up by degrees. It gave him new hope and courage.
- Swami Ramakrishnananda (Sri ramakrishna and his Disciples, Pg. 109)